
56th St. Martinusprijs Kontich
Four day Stage Race UCI-Interclub juniores 5-8 july 2019

The countdown has started!

A few more days and “it” will be on.

A coincidence or not, but during the last day of this year´s edition of the 4-days race “Sint Martinusprijs” the 3rd stage of the Tour de France starts in Antwerp.

This encouraged us to work towards an even better edition then the previous years.

Competitors from 10 different nations from all over the World will compete this year for the win, including the national teams of Finland, Estonia, Cyprus and Turkey.

After a long absence from our race we are proud to be able to announce 2 French teams on top of the “usual suspects” from the US, UK, Denmark, The Netherlands and Belgium.

Our friends from Germany could not make it as they have their National Championships during this same weekend.

The Danish Team of Roskilde has the numbers 1, 2 and 3 of the Danish Time Trial Championship amongst its team, but we are sure that the competition will be tough as all teams will come with their strongest teams.

Some will come to test the waters and give their riders an unforgettable experience, as sportsmanship and fair play together with the set-up of this 4-day race are the key ingredients.

The race itself has been modified a little to start off with the team time trial on Friday (instead of the individual time trial), and stages have been altered here and there.

The start in Antwerp will be on Saturday instead of Sunday, and will be from the Market Square instead of the MAS museum.

Weather is announced to be great as well, so it is going to be an exciting 4 days again to which we are looking forward and hope the same from all of you.

See you around in Kontich or Antwerp in the coming days.

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